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Until the 2024 edition, find below the list of the 2023 exhibitors of the Paris Images Production Forum.

PingPong Cowork - 21 rue du Pont de Fer MILLAU. 12100
06 44 18 14 35
Service proposé
Grands Causses Cinéma Aveyron Occitanie works to host film shoots in the department of Aveyron (France).
Our association locates and lists potential filming locations in Aveyron, identifies technicians, actors and all service providers related to film and audiovisual creation, as well as all local resources (accommodation, suppliers, etc.) that can meet the needs of a film crew.
Grands Causses Cinéma Aveyron Occitanie includes professionals from the film and audiovisual industry, who know exactly what the expectations and issues of directors and production teams are.
Grands Causses Cinéma Aveyron Occitanie raises the awareness of film crews to eco-production. It helps them to significantly reduce the ecological footprint of their activity.
Our association also works on image education for all audiences, training of future professionals in the sector, and on the creation of cultural events (previews…) throughout Aveyron.
In this year 2023, Grands Causses Cinéma Aveyron Occitanie becomes the relay of the Occitanie Films agency in Aveyron.
Logo ADR Association des repéreurs
ADR Association des repéreurs
Marchesseau Virginie
115 rue Lafayette Paris. 75010
06 10 47 59 46
Service proposé
– The scout is a privileged collaborator of the director, the production designer, the director
photography, assistant director, and production.

– The location scout attentive to the artistic direction of the film, summarizes the constraints of setting
stage of each sequence, the technical and financial constraints of each project in
proposing places that will become the sets of this film.

– His collaboration in the preparation phase of a film goes from reading the script to
proposal of decorations, answers and artistic, technical and financial solutions.

– The scout, with his experience of filming, his knowledge of the “field”, the
cinema, photography, his knowledge of art history, architecture and
town planning must respond to the requests of the director while being a force of
proposals capable of defending their own ideas.

– First representative of the production in the places that will host the filming, the
scout must have relational qualities establishing a professional relationship and

– The scout defines with the assistant director, the production designer and the director of
production, the priorities in the research to be carried out and can give its estimate of the
research time required for locations.

– When the workload and the time allocated require it, and in order to guarantee a quality of
work, the scout can propose the constitution of a team of confirmed scouts or in
training and coordinating research.

– The location scout guarantees the memory of the research implemented throughout the
preparation of the film and constitutes a summary file of his work for the staging
and production.
Logo Mire Tournages
Mire Tournages
Sedaghat Anicée
6 bd Simon Batlle Céret. 66400
Service proposé
Film Office of the Pays Pyrénées Méditerranée (Pyrénées-Orientales).

Fine sandy beaches, farmland, ribbons of vines plunging into the sea, snow-capped peaks, bubbling rivers, arid spaces, dense forests, wild creeks, stone villages on the mountainside, Belle Époque castles, Romanesque churches or modern town planning on a human scale, the whole world has come together here.

A vital link to your team in the field, Mire Tournages comprises people passionate about the territory, experienced in welcoming production teams.

Our mission:
-Bringing the cinema sector to life on our territory
-Provide personalised assistance for each project
-Facilitate identification
-Provide logistical assistance (accommodation, production offices, etc.)
-Create links through an important network of public and private partners (State, Region and Department services / Elected officials of 58 municipalities / tourist offices / real estate agencies / image professionals / places of diffusion / studio…)
-Support for eco-production
-Organisation of premieres
Logo Mairie des Mureaux
Mairie des Mureaux
Giudice Corinne
Mairie place de la libération BP2053 78135 les Mureaux cedex
Service proposé
Située sur les bords de Seine, la ville des Mureaux (Yvelines)
se trouve à 37 kilomètres à l’ouest de Paris et aux portes du
Parc naturel régional du Vexin français. Les Mureaux a
notamment accueilli sur ses bords de Seine les épreuves
de voile des Jeux olympiques de 1924.

Château du 19e siècle, mairie historique, clubs de voiles, bâtiment moderne, forêt, exploitation agricole, aérodrome, école aux architectures modernes ou historiques, bords de Seine… La ville dispose de lieux atypiques et variés
et les met à la disposition du monde du cinéma et de l’audiovisuel.

Accessible en train (35 minutes depuis Paris Saint-Lazare),
en voiture (25 minutes depuis Paris) ou encore par la Seine,
la ville des Mureaux a déjà séduit de nombreux tournages.
Son objectif est simple : faciliter votre tournage de la recherche
du lieu jusqu’au clap de fin.
Logo SK Consulting
SK Consulting
Kuennemann Sonia
5 square Patenne Paris. 75020
Service proposé
SK Consulting is a company dedicated exclusively to audiovisual professionals with 10 years of expertise in the accommodation of film crews in France:

- Feasibility study
- Tailor-made accommodation offers
- Global logistics management : reservation, negotiation of hotels, quotes/invoices...
- Personalized assistance from the preparation
Logo Grand Est
Grand Est
Woch Michel
1 route de Marckolsheim Sélestat. 67600
06 10 49 00 14
Service proposé
57,000 km² of cinema in the heart of Europe

With its borders with 4 countries and its strategic position in Europe and 45 minutes from Paris, the Grand Est is a dynamic territory with a complete ecosystem of authors, directors, actors, service providers, technicians, studios and broadcasters, supported by a voluntary and dynamic film hosting policy.

The Bureau des images and his film commission offers to French and foreign professionals information services, facilitation of procedures and assistance (pre-scouting of sets, service providers and regional professionals)

Alongside the regional support fund, it leads the PLATO network of local authorities involved in hosting and providing logistical and financial support for fiction filming in their territorie

6, rue de Rome Paris. 75008
Service proposé
Toujours là quand on en a besoin.

Nous organisons des hébergements pour tous les budgets, de l’économique au luxe. Grâce à notre parfaite connaissance du marché, nous pouvons vous faire économiser beaucoup de temps et optimiser votre budget.
Nous nous assurons que vos besoins sont satisfaits et nous allons plus loin par notre :

Engagement sur votre projet : disponibilité 7J/7
Négociations des tarifs et engagements contractuels
Expérience pour vous accompagner dans vos choix
Facilités de règlements
Nous comprenons vos demandes spécifiques et vos changements de plan de travail : vous pouvez compter sur tous nos efforts pour que votre objectif soit atteint et que l’hôtellerie soit ainsi une aide et non un poids.
10 rue Royale PARIS. 75008
07 57 87 13 03
Service proposé
Specialist insurance brokers with expertise in all media, film and audiovisual risks.
Our role is to be at our clients' side to advise and support them throughout their productions.
We intervene :
- on the study and placement of all necessary film package and event cancellation insurance policies, as well as any specific additional guarantees required to fully secure the risk (such as but not limited to cover for Individual Accident, Professional Missions, stunt vehicles, housing, Kidnapping and Ransom, Errors and Omissions and weather day).
- on the setting up of annual policies (such as Professional and General Liability, Property Damage, Cyber Risks, Office insurance, Motor fleet, Legal Protection...)
We are also a founding member of MIN (Media Insurance Network), the world's leading insurance brokerage and consultancy organisation in the film, media, sports and events industry.
Logo Copie Dep
Copie Dep
AUGER Céline
32 rue Eugène Dupuis - Zone Europarc Créteil . 94000
06 74 35 37 30
Service proposé
Leader in Ile de France, Copie Dep, a subsidiary of the ARJ Group, has been supporting you for more than 30 years in the rental of multifunctions, from preparation to finishing, including filming, on your feature and short films and on your series.

An efficient and adapted service based on our experience with productions
A fast and quality local service that makes our success
A responsive and efficient Hotline service to meet your needs as closely as possible

Anxious to provide continuous service to our customers, we remain at your service all year round, including during the summer period or between the end of year celebrations.
Logo Lerat Location
Lerat Location
8 rue denis papin MONDEVILLE. 14120
06 13 84 98 86
Service proposé
For more than 65 years, Lerat Location has been providing you with its know-how in vehicle rental.

LERAT Location is a fleet of almost 1000 vehicles maintained at the highest level of quality. Uncompromising prices on quality and qualified people at your disposal. And because each company is different, we are able to offer you packaged or tailor-made vehicle rental offers according to your needs.

We provide an all-inclusive service, for each rental you will find the following services:
- All-risk insurance
- Technical and medical assistance
- Care and maintenance of vehicles
- Tyre management
- Vehicle preparation
- The marking of the vehicle in your colors.
- Delivery of vehicles to the address of your choice

Let's meet in one of our 7 agencies (Caen/Mondeville, Rouen, Cherbourg, Paris, Plaisir, Moutiers et Courchevel)

- Short-term rental
- Medium-term rental without commitment.
- Long-term rental "full services"
- Long-term rental of industrial vehicle with driver.
- Vehicle rental on specifications